Saturday, 18 July 2009

More Illusionist

Yo, some more screenshots from 'The Illusionist' have surfaced on the net, as you can see it looks pretty damn nice!... still no idea when it's coming out though. Thanks to Kenny that I got a hold of them which he got from Catsuka.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, 17 July 2009


Hola! I've been a naughty blogger for the last couple months, I haven't uploaded anything in far too long. SO....... living back in Ireland now for awhile, it's pretty cool except for the lack of funds coupled with higher price tags for everything! Missing all the Ink crew back in Dundee, great bunch of people and never a dull moment... hope yis are all dandy!

Anyway, I painted this back in May for my girlfriend Carol who, as of yesterday, I'm with 3 years now or 1096 DAYS!..........meow

Hope you dig!

ps it was for her birthday